Sunday, May 17, 2009

Pelosi and Torture

So, I wrote this in response to a Michael Tomasky post on Nancy Pelosi, and how she was (to some extent) fenced in by her situation and partisan maneuvering.

Personally, I think that if Pelosi was involved, she should be investigated, but that Pelosi should not be a distraction from pursuing those who are truly responsible for torture and the approval of torture.

Michael -

thanks for trying to explain the situation that Pelosi was in. Personally, I think that she showed cowardice at the time - it is undeniable that there was an infinitely more moral route to take, but she didn't take it. She didn't risk martyrdom (and of all places in the continental united states, San Francisco is probably the place most likely to support their congressperson standing up to Bush and his Republican Hacks).

That said, as soon as news came out that Pelosi was even a little bit informed about these policies, suddenly the Republicans became much more interested in a commission to find out the truth. A lot of the blame that is being placed on Pelosi is rampant partisan maneuvering. The Republicans think that by targeting Pelosi they can prevent the Democrats from investigating just how corrupt they were. Pelosi isn't guiltless. But she is serving as a distraction from those who truly are steeped in guilt...playing into this game is once again allowing the Republicans to govern the media and manipulate the truth.

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