Thursday, October 29, 2009

Hilary is Mad Awesome

With a possible emphasis on mad.  This makes me exhilarated, but also kinda confused....are her words gonna get a good result or a bad result?  I have no clue, but her commentary is pure feminist - "back off and respect my authority, misogynistic asshole" is what I imagine her internal monologue going :D

The Playgoer: Ginsburg & Scalia: Live on Stage!

The Playgoer: Ginsburg & Scalia: Live on Stage!

If only I could have seen this - it sounds like the perfect confluence of my interests :D

if you read the comments, in casting I would definitely put Scalia as Baron Scarpia from Tosca, but Ginsburg....maybe the head nun in Dead Man Walking?

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

I <3 the Phillies

If you had given me 3 more months in Philadelphia, God, I would be a rabid Phillies fan right now. As it is, I would marry Cliff Lee in a split second.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

What would be awesome...

So, some of you may know that I work as a theater manager at my high school. Well, I saw this about a community theater, and it sounds so wonderful and cute I wanted to hug it and replace the building I manage with this one. anyways, read about it here. I've been super busy, sorry for not posting.

Monday, October 5, 2009

"Its Africa"

Sometimes you read a review of a piece of theater and you wish beyond wishing that you were there, in that moment, watching it happen. This looks like the coolest show ever, and I wished I could be there so badly. Imagine! A baboon Lady Macbeth!