Thursday, April 30, 2009

My Latest Experiment

So, here goes.  I'm starting this blog for these reasons:

1) I need a better way to procrastinate than checking the same political blogs every 10 minutes.

2) I have been inspired by my friend Daniel, who has a blog of his own (Pensons) and I want to be as cool as he is.  It's mostly political commentary, with a dash of journalism interest, plus a very strange (sorry Daniel, I had to say it) obsession with high speed rail legislation - although I did have something to do with showing him how cool the train actually is.....

3) I want a blog that combines political commentary and commentary on the arts, and I think that I'm the one to do it.

4) The fact that I have started this means that I'm ridiculously hubristic in thinking that anyone will actually read it.  So I'm going to see if anyone actually bothers with this besides me.  Call it an experiment.  Ooo!  Maybe I'll do some artsy art piece about blogging someday.  Probably won't happen, but whatever.

5) I want to have a place to talk - I can only talk about half the things that interest me to each of my friends.  So call this blog my bestest friend ever.  BBFF - Best Blog Friend Forever, or something equally cheezy.....

So there's the introduction.  Welcome, and there'll be more coming soon, provided finals don't attack me posthaste.


  1. You like my train blogging, don't lie! :)

  2. Welcome to the blogosphere!

    - Jamelle
